Monday, October 28, 2013

Another day another job

    Yes oh yes... yet another job has gone and passed me by. Since the last time I talked to you, I had been laid off from that awful job in which I starred at blank gray walls and talked about paper dimensions all day long, thank God. I was on unemployment for five or six months just trying to find SOMETHING... ANYTHING worth my time. And then it happened.

    I stumbled upon an posting on Craig's List vaguely describing some kind of job in which I would be managing people and that no previous managerial experience was necessary. Sounded great to me. I said to myself "self, this could be a chance to actually start a career, save some money, and actually start a life." And the way the interview went and everything that went along with it, it sure sounded like it.

  Did I mention I hate misleading people? Well... I got hired on the spot, which should have raised a red flag, as a manager in training. Company policy stated I would be training on the procedures and proper ways of doing things before I got my own place for 4-6 months. In all actuality, it was a week and a half. I was thrown to the sharks not knowing how to do ANYTHING.

   The job required me to do a lot of things. A lot of manual labor things such as stripping and waxing floors, buffing floors, and basically being a janitor in some old folks homes. All of these things would be fine if it were not for a few factors.

1) I have no previous experience in any of those things- Now come on Greg. Being a janitor is not rocket science. And this was not hard. I basically bleached everything in sight. But I had never ever waxed a floor. They showed me once then sent me on my way. Fuck that.

2) The travel- In my short period of time working with this company I was sent to almost ten different old folks homes anywhere from Latrobe to Munhall. Thats literally a 50 mile radius. I was not given compensation for mileage. Fuck that.

3)The hours- I was told from the beginning I would be working some nights. It just made sense being that there are some places that cant be taken care of during the day. My third week on the job I was sent out after working 9 hours to a home to wax a dining room. The equipment they gave me did not work and I had to do EVERYTHING by hand. A two hour job turned into a six hour job, turning my 9-11 hour day into a 15 hour day. Worst day ever. I was working with a few other managers at the time whom were doing another room. They told me to get used to this. The one guy had not had a day off in three months. Fuck that. I need a life.

4) The pay- Yes, I know I said the pay was nice before. 32k salary is awesome... if you don't work 55-60 hours a week. My girlfriend and I figured it out. If I worked an average of 50 hours a week and traveled like I was at the time, I would be making anywhere from $8 an hour or sometimes less than minimum wage. Fuck that.

5) The uniform- Or lack there of. A job where I am literally scrubbing shit off the floor should require someone to wear nursing scrubs or something like that. Hell, even khakis and a polo would be nice. But you would not even believe what I had to wear to this job. Keep in mind, I am essentially a glorified janitor. I do everything a janitor does and then some. This is seriously how I had to dress everyday.

Don't mind the whiskey in my hand, even though that would have made the job MUCH better. This is a picture of me 40 pounds ago and at a wedding, but this is basically what I had to wear to work everyday. I chose to wear suspenders because it was easier to keep my pants up after rolling around on the ground, which I regularly did... in these clothes. I also sometimes wore a tie clip so it didn't drop in the toxic chemicals I had to scrub toxic waste and turds up with... in these clothes. I also often rolled my sleeves up because it was easier getting gloves on and off with, you know, being that I HAD TO CLEAN UP SHIT.... IN THESE FUCKING CLOTHES. Oh, I also did not wear dress shoes. I wore black boots because I was slapping toxic chemicals on floors to eat away the wax. I would also roll up my pants on a regular basis because I didn't want to ruin them. Floor stripper is just like bleach. One little splash and they are ruined. So I mean, doing all of those things... IN THESE CLOTHES... made complete sense. Fuck that. 

After taking a long hard look at how outrageously twisted this job was, I couldn't take it any longer. At this point in my life, with the debt I have, and seeing everyone in the same situation, I made a conscious decision. Money is not everything. Yes I need money, but why work jobs I am going to loathe for a couple more dollars per hour? So I started looking again. 

   I got an interview days alter after making this decision. If I got the job, I would be making less money, per 40 hours, if I would have stayed at that job. But every time I walked into this place everyone was literally happy. Everyone I talked to actually enjoyed their job. I have never experienced that. That is what I need at this point in my life. I slammed the interview and I start there in a few days and I am really looking forward to it. 

But this is what I would like to say to my former employer. Fuck you for being so misleading. I hated every single second I worked for you. Nothing was enjoyable about anything you did be it waking up at 5am everyday to traveling to fucking Muhall on a regular basis. Screw you and I hope you make the next gullible man or woman happy in their glorified janitor position. Here is a suggestion, why not dress them up in purple furs and call them king or queen. You know, they have to clean toilets anyways. Get it? Throne? I mean seriously people, the administrators of  every single fucking building were not even dressed as nice as I was. Not even exaggerating. At any given time and in any given building, I was the nicest dressed person. And there were hundreds of people in the building more important than I was. It made no sense whatsoever. Fuck that. Hopefully this makes me a happier person in the long run.

Hey... you live and you learn. Am I right?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why I May Hate You

There are a plethora of reasons why I hate some people.  If you have always wondered if you could ever talk to, hang out, or be friends with the cool guy writing this blog, you must ask yourselves these tough questions….

1)         Am I an idiot?
If you are a complete and utter imbecile, then I want nothing to do with you. For example, if you have to use a calculator to take 10% off of something, if you go out and drink heavily two or more times a week and complain about gaining weight, or if you think wrestling is “fake”, then you are a grade a, prime real estate idiot. 
2)         Do I drive the speed limit?
If you drive under or at the speed limit, forget about it. I am ALWAYS in a hurry. 
3)         Am I a fan of really bad actors/ actresses like Rachel Mcadams and Nick Cage?
If you are then you are probably in a world of trouble when trying to talk about one of my favorite past times on this earth…Film. 
4)         Do I listen to really bad music such as the black keys or kasabian?
Those bands are so bad I purposely didn’t capitalize them. Fuck em. I got in a debate with my friend Brad about one of those bands just last night. If you were to meet a caveman and you had to explain rock and roll to them in its simplest form, you would choose to play the black keys. It is literally the most generic rock music that has ever been made and it sucks. That isn't even opinion. Have you actually listened to it? Every song sounds like every rock song ever. I have honestly mixed them up for The White Stripes on multiple occasions. 
5)         Do I own a blue Penguin jersey?
Now this one is tricky. I have multiple friends who I bash for wearing one Trust me. One of the coolest things about our city is the fact that we are the only city where ALL of our sport franchises are the same color. Therefor… I don’t want to see baby blue on my hockey team. Sorry.
6)         Do I laugh at rude comments?
Sorry bro, if you don’t laugh at rude comments made at other people as well as at you, you better forget about it. We will not get along and I hate you. Humor is the spice of life. Get over yourself.
7)         Do I make good first impressions?
I will be the first to admit it, I make judgments on people on first impressions. That first impressions could even be you walking into a room goofily. I USUALLY have a good sense on this too. I can count on one hand the times I have been wrong. Usually if you barge into a room and are loud, obnoxious, and annoying, that is how you will be most of the time. That’s my shtick. Not yours.
8)         Do I think Lil’ Wayne is attractive?
This goes for you ladies out there. If you want to be my friend, you better not think this man is attractive. He literally looks like a full grown rat, his voice sounds like a squeeze box/goose, and he always looks dirty. Literally not one thing about those things screams sex. Quit using your green shades.
9)         Am I “addicted” to something?
No such thing people. It is all a mind game. Anyone can quit anything… ever.
10)      Am I a meat head?
Feels like I have talked about some of these things before but… I don’t like people who are full of themselves. Especially ones who work out. I don’t like people who scream and grunt in the gym. It is unnecessary and, in my mind, juvenile. Also, if you are going to wear that toothpick of a shirt you might as well not even wear one. I know I wouldn’t want to see that but for Christ sake what’s the point? Sleeveless? More like ¾ clothless. Either you went crazy with the sheers on those sleeves or you meant to do that. Either way I hate you. Continue listening to Linkin Park and Eminem on those GIGANTIC earphone of yours because, to be honest, I want to have absolutely nothing in common with you.
11)      Do I smell funny?
This has absolutely nothing to do with a judge of character. Really it doesn’t. But if you do not have enough pride to take a bath, wash your clothes, or wear deodorant, then I have no respect for you.
12)      Do I just bite string cheese or do I actually string it?
If you bite into string cheese, you should be slapped in the mouth.
13)      Do I chew with my mouth open?
14)      Do I use a blu tooth?
You might as well be wearing a fanny pack, zooba pants, and a tucked in polo shirt because only men over the age of 40 think they are cool. They look so cheesy it hurts. Honestly, it feels as though it is something that should have come out in the 1980s. Its outlandish.
15)      Am I a front runner?
There are people in this world who only like winners. Those people are dicks. I went to college with someone who literally would change his favorite team monthly based on how well they were doing. I am not even joking. The LA Lakers would be doing well and you would see him walk down the hall wearing a Lakers hat. The next month they would be losing a few games and the Spurs would be winging, he would walk out in a Spurs hat. When confronting him about why he did not cheer for the Lakers any longer, this would be his response… every single time for every single team for every single sport… “ oh, they are butt, man.” Gag me.
16)      Do I use the “Exit” doors to enter a building?
One of my biggest pet peeves. Not even close. I literally say things to people who do it.
17)      Do I play a guitar at parties?
Need I say more? After teenage girls move past the age of 14, not one person thinks this is acceptable.
18)      Do I have a sticker of a child peeing on something in the back window of my car or truck?
Nothing screams hateable like these redneck pieces of trash. It is usually some fucking kid pissing on a Ford logo or something idiotic like that. You also see a Baltimore Ravens logo around here as well. Fucking stupid. It is almost as bad as an Outer banks sticker or a baby on board sign. It makes me want to aim for your car if I am in an accident.
19)      Do I think beards are dirty?
This is a widely thought of fact… oh wait it isn’t a fucking fact. I have talked about this before too. I would honestly contend that my beard is cleaner then my hair. And so would most people who have one.
20)      Am I a member of society?
Not even joking, I would say 85-90% of people have some sort of hateable quality about them that I could pick out. I might even be low on that. But it is about  learning how to deal with those things and finding the good things about them, i.e the blue Penguins jersey.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate EVERYONE. I just hate MOST people. If you read my blog, though, I love you. So… From this manacing Easter Bunny and myself... Happy Easter everyone!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I am going to say what everyone else is thinking... TLC needs to change the name of their station. No, check that that, they HAVE to. There is not one minute of programming on that station that is teaching me or anyone anything. No, actually, check that one too. I have learned a lot of things from watching current programming on "The Learning Channel". I have learned…

19 Kids and Counting
1) That Duggar woman is apparently a sex addict that is covering up by being a Mormon or something.
     1a) These sink holes popping up everywhere on earth is not, in fact, aliens coming to our surface like I would like to think. But it is, in fact, this woman’s vagina. 
Gypsy Sisters
2) The Gypsy existence is one of glamorous lifestyles and very creepy people, marriages, and  situations.
     2a) If you literally watch just one episode of this show, your brain will hurt. It is also one entire hour you will never get back on this earth. Do something more productive, like watching cars go down the street. 
 Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta
3) People are obsessed with weddings so much that they are willing to put their lives out there for the public to see… in all of their dickishness. 
Welcome to Myrtle Manor
4) There is a trailer park that apparently looks like a theme park and is filled with stereotypical hillbillies that was, obviously and insultingly, not staged to make a “reality” show. 
 Cake Boss
5) There is a man who makes extravagant cakes but is so dumb he can’t pronounce ingredients and tools of his trade correctly.
 Extreme Couponing
6) There are people who use a massive amount of coupons on useless shit. They live off of a room stock full of laundry detergent, toothbrushes, Gatorade, and ramen noodles.
     6a) But this is alright because they save a ton of money on items they don’t need.
     6b) You can become extremely overweight by eating only ramen noodles and Gatorade. 
 Little People, Big World: Wedding Farm
7) There is a family of tiny people, who have a couple of normal sized kids (strange), who apparently have endless amounts of money to do whatever the hell they want.
7a) Is there some sort of government bill that gives people under 4 feet tall money for their unfortunate stature? I tend to think so. 
Long Island Medium 
8) There is a sassy woman from New Jersey who can talk to dead people… forever cementing peoples love for residents of that state for some reason. 
 Toddlers & Tiaras
9) Grotesque mothers who need to live their lost childhoods through their children like to dress up their daughters like ladies of the night while spraying them in black face. 
 Strange Sex
10) People like to have sex in strange ways… which is not something I really want to see or hear about. Normal sex is fine with me. 
11) People are addicted to drugs and are complete fucking losers.
 My Strange Addiction
12) People are addicted to really weird shit too, which is absolutely hilarious. I mean, a woman was literally eating the dry wall on her house. A man was IN LOVE WITH HIS CAR!  
 Hoarding: Buried Alive
13) People like to take things and just throw them in the corner of the room. It could be anything. A countless number of two liter pop bottles for example. Or how about just junk from yard sales because they are saving them for a future “project”. All I know is I can’t watch this show. It makes me sick to my stomach.
13a) This has further bolstered my self diagnosed ocd tendencies.
 Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
14) There is a woman who looks like Krang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who has a child who competes in some sort of contest.  
     14a) These people are speaking some sort of language that, apparently, my ears can’t process. I literally can’t understand a word they say.
     14b) There is absolutely no reason anyone should know who these people are.

15) Reality shows are the complete opposite. Game shows are more reality then this crap.

God I hate this channel.  

Monday, March 18, 2013


When I was on my way to look at the sports section, as I always do, I came across this little gem.

What this picture has anything to do with autistic children suffering is beyond me. I see a woman who forgot to brush her hair choking a woman who forgot to stop eating. I also see that girl from the Blair Witch project just kind of standing there with her back to the action... very awkwardly. To me, this is a hilarious picture. One in which I cant help but wonder why the photographer was there, that close, in the first place. So funny. Poor autistic kids.

Friday, March 15, 2013


I complain about a lot of things, this much is true. But to be quite honest, there are not many things that actually make me angry. Now I mean angry angry… like steaming red hot angry. Not the little piss pants you took the last of the nachos angry. I mean yeah, I bitch and moan, but rarely am I ever angry. Trust me, if I am, you will know it. But I will tell you what, nothing makes me angrier in this entire God forsaken world then waking up in the morning. 

This is not a recent thing either. I remember, vividly, when I was a child I used to throw punches at my mother when she tried to wake me for school. And I am not even exaggerating. I mean literal punches. She used to sing these songs in the morning that used to get under my skin so much that I risked physical harm on my own flesh and blood. That’s pretty screwed up now looking back on it.  She used to sing this song with lyrics that go…

“Good morning, good morning!
You slept the whole night through.
Good morning, good morning, to you!”

 She used to always sing this song about GI Joe that I don’t quite remember as well. But I mean every single day. I love my mother more than anything on this earth, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t care if you are the most beautiful woman on the earth… if you get in my face when I am just waking up it is going to be ugly. Speaking of, there is this woman at work in the mornings who INSISTS on getting in my face every day to tell me good morning. At this point I actually grunt at her like a caveman. That is how much I care. But this woman is nuts. It isn’t even just that. You walk past her in the hallway and it is like she HAS to make some sort of goofy noise at you. Yesterday I got quaked at like a duck… not even joking. I used to make some sort of goofy laugh trying to look like I was interested, but one can only get mooed at so many times. I simply ignore her now. She probably thinks I am a giant asshole… Oh wait I am. But I digress. 

It isn’t even just the whole getting up thing. Once you get up what are you supposed to do? Nothing is on in the morning besides Sports Center and Boy Meets World. I mean who the hell wants to watch Good Morning America… those cheerful fucks annoy the piss out of me. You know why they are that cheerful? I guarantee they have been up for, like, five freaking hours trying to brace themselves for whatever they have to do for that damn show. I guarantee they are like zombies when they wake up too. Not one person on this earth likes waking up in the morning.

 There is one single saving grace about mornings… breakfast. I can’t name one breakfast food that isn’t delicious. Not one signal item. Even the grossest of all, scrapple, is even delectable. If I were on death row and I was asked what meal I wanted as my last meal, if they could not get me a Mineos pizza from Squirrel Hill, I would ask for an assortment of delicious breakfast meats. Not even kidding. Sausage is delicious. Bacon is memorable. Ham is savory. Literally… you name anything in breakfast and my mouth waters. Pancakes? Turn on the waterworks. Eggs? Don’t even get me started. Bagels? Forget it.

But anyways... I hate mornings. I thought I would mention that.

Monday, March 11, 2013


It has been a while my friends. To be honest, most of my time has been spent either with my family, including my girlfriend, working out, or trying to find another God damned job. Once again I cant reiterate how hard it is to find a fucking job. Let me say this again… I HAVE A MASTERS DEGREE YOU IMBECILES! I DO NOT WANT PAID $50 AN HOUR BECAUSE OF IT. I JUST WANT A JOB THAT PAYS MORE THAN $11 PER HOUR AND, PREFERABLY, ONE I ACTUALLY ENJOY. Now, in the wise words of the one and only Christ Tucker, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH? I have lost nearly 100 pounds, something people have struggled with for decades and decades, but I can’t find a damn job. I know some people, including my good friend Jared who have literally had 3 or 4 really nice full time jobs already. I consult him for help, even having him edit my resume, and you think it helped? Absolutely not. I can’t get a damn interview let alone land the big one. But, here I go… complaining about something that I APPARENTLY can’t control for, I don’t know, the 175th time?

But like I always say, obladi oblada.

And as my continuing saga at this current job goes on more outlandishly, I have yet another story to tell. You remember about a year ago, I told a story about how we go yelled at for “horsing around”. I still have no idea what that means or how that phrase even came about. Then I got called into the office about 10 months ago for “being too relaxed”… whatever the hell that also means. How can someone be too relaxed? But this time it is much different. Over the past year, I have formed relationships with the people I talk to over the phone every single day, aka my customer base. With that said, I usually talk to them like I would my friends and family. I am very relaxed with them, as you know, and I can basically say whatever I want to them… or so I thought.

At this point you probably think I left an f bomb drop or even said a rude comment about their mother on the phone. But no… I did something much much worse. Think of literally the worst possible thing that could ever be said to a customer and then gasp. Because that is what was said. I am not exactly sure how or when it happened but APPARENTLY I said the word “Dude” on the telephone. ALERT THE PRESSES! CALL THE NATIONAL GUARD IN! How dare I say that God awful word. It is almost as bad as saying Vold…. I mean he who shall not be named. Blasphemy!

Not only do I not understand how any person could be offended by this word, I know for a fact that I would have never said it to someone who did not have a penis. I would never EVER say that to a woman, besides my girlfriend joking around of course. So it had to be an actual dude whom I said it to. With that in mind, I only talk to one “dude” on an frequent basis… and I am not really sure why that “dude” would be offended. He is on my level.

So why exactly is it so offensive? Besides the simple fact that it really isn’t, of course, there are many things to take into consideration here. For example… Bill and Ted were just two cool cats who wanted to pass a history test. Were they terrible people because they said “dude” every other word or so? I don’t think so. In fact, they were the epitome of cool for a while. 

You know what, this is stupid… There is literally not one thing offensive about the word “dude”. Literally, not one thing. I can’t even make shit up for it to be offensive. Now what IS offensive is when you get reprimanded for forming relationships with your customers. Although I really don’t agree with it, they say “customer service” creates new and repeat customers. That is bull… you know what creates new and repeat customers? A good product at a cheap price. If I call my favorite pizza place for a pie and they cuss me out left and right, call me a fatty for ordering a large for myself, and then make a comment about my mother, I don’t give a damn. The pizza is delicious and a good price for what you receive. If I call pizza hut and they have phone sex with me, I don’t give two shits because their pizza tastes like balls… with pepperoni. I am doing everything short of cupping these peoples balls and they are offended by the word “dude? Oi vey people… grow a spine.

I forgot to mention what their exact quote was about me saying the word “dude” to my customer. They stated “what, do you work at Billabong?” I actually laughed out loud at that statement and how outrageously absurd it was. So if I am doing my math right here, my coworkers now view me as a really relaxed surfer who works at Billabong and likes to play limbo in chairs on their free time. Now that is the definition of “dude” if I have ever heard one. Thanks bra. That is a touching view of my appearance and demeanor. Because to be honest, I look more like a neo nazi than a freaking hippie. So I guess I should be grateful they think I am a stoner.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I don't understand people. Plain and simple. What compels them to steal things off of other peoples desk at a work place? I mean honestly. I have had multiple things stolen off of my desk, all of which perplex me even more than the last. Here are some of the things that have been stolen off of my desk in the past few months. And don't give me the "how do you know it was stolen and not misplaced" crap. I am obsessive about where I put things on my desk so I know.

1) A dollar bill- Of all of the things on my list, this is the only one I could possibly even justify. Maybe they were broke and wanted a snack. Maybe they just saw an opportunity to grab a loose dollar... even though it really wasn't loose. I mean, we all have chased down a rampant dollar bill being blown down the street before, right? But even though I may understand this one, it still doesn't make me less pissed off that someone took money off of my desk. I mean honestly, is there someone just kind of sneaking around perusing each desk for goodies? Fuck em'.
2)Pens- The writing utensil not the hockey team of course... this one I will NEVER understand. Not only are you given about 15 when you start, but you can walk about 15 feet down the hallway and ask for 15 new ones if you would like. Instead, people will take your own personal, half used, germ infested pens to use for their own personal use. I mean, I don't know about you, but I chew on pens subconsciously for God sake. And now you are writing with it? Be my guest.

3)White out- Now this shit is like gold. I get at least one of these a week vandalized off of my desk. It is outlandish. Who the hell needs all of this white out? Who is making that many mistakes that they have to take multiple white out rollers and use them? What the fuck are you doing with them, thief? My personal opinion and what I would like to think is happening is that they are painting their walls... line, by line, by line, by freaking asshat.

4) Calculator- Yes... someone has actually stolen my cheap ass Canon desktop calculator. Why? I have not one fucking clue. To give to their kid to have fun with? To do simple arithmetic, maybe? Or how about because people are insane. That gets my vote.

5) Tape Dispenser-  I remember this one quite vividly. It was right around Christmas time. I remember reaching for my dispenser to tape my drawer shut... because we have desks made of imitation sheet metal and wont stay together...  and I could not find my tape. After looking literally everywhere I am confused as all hell. Someone stealing my dispenser was so far in the back of my mind because I honestly didn't think that would ever happen in the history of mankind. I mean, on a list of things to steal a tape dispenser may rank between a clump of grass and some sand art from the county fair. But then I thought to myself... Well maybe they will return it. I mean, it was almost Christmas. People need to wrap presents.

6) My Water Bottle- I saved this one for last because not only is it the grossest, but it has happened multiple times. What the fuck do these people think it is? That monkey statue from Raiders of the Lost Arc? It is a damn water bottle that not only I use for about two to three weeks, but isn't even nice. It's literally an Aquafina bottle that I replace after a while because water starts to taste stagnant in it. But yet, even though I hide it behind my computer clearly making it not garbage, it gets stolen... three times. I can't even register why this would even happen. It makes no logical sense.

Insane people apparently love "free" shit no matter what it is. Someone should tell them there are free rocks outside all over the place. They may have a conniption.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned For Sega

Listen my friends... I have thought long and hard about this over many years and I finally think I should say something about it. In wake of all of these random mass killings, I am tired of all of these so called "experts" blaming it on shit they have no idea about. You see, if you have an eighty year old fucking man, or woman (God forbid I am not politically correct), from congress explaining why they think these nut jobs are shooting up movie theaters, malls, and schools, then you are listening to the wrong people. These geriatric pieces of trash who have absolutely no grasp on what society is really like these days are trying to wrap their shriveling little brains around the complexities of the modern day psycho, and they have absolutely no qualifications to do so. You people are not psychiatrists and are waaaaaay too old to become one.

It has always been my theory that these imbeciles see something like this happen and then blame it on something that they have no knowledge on whatsoever.When Columbine happened in in 1999, I was 13 years old... and yet I still knew it was complete and utter bullshit when all of these high powered people were blaming it on video games and the music industry. For God sake, I have been watching horror films, listening to whatever music I want, and have been playing video games of every kind ever since the inception of the NES, and you don't see me going on a rampage. You don't see me jumping on peoples heads because of Mario, do you? I don't kick turtle shells at people. I don't shoot fire at people.

 You don't see me punching people in the belly button...

I mean come on... let's think this through a little bit. Do you really think that playing video games makes people violent? All it really does is makes them dumber and blind. I mean, if I weren't already half blind and wearing glasses, I may be a little pissed off at the fact that my video game playing is making me lose my sight. But, that is your own personal choice. You can't take that shit out on people.

What I do think is this. I think that it comes down to terrible parenting and the people that they surrounded themselves with. Look at the people who commit crimes. Mostly all of them are dicks, have dick/re-re parents, and hang around with jack off friends. Bad eggs create bad eggs... video games don't create bad eggs. If parents or a parent do a shitty job of taking care of their children, teach them nothing, and treat them like dirty laundry then yes, your children may grow up and shoot up a shopping center. If your friends commit crimes... steal, rape, vandalize... then yes you are going to be tempted into doing those sort of things. IT IS COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Sure, I was thrown into some situations in my life where I could have made a bad decision, be it drugs or even committing a crime. But I didn't do it. You know why? My parents fucking rock and raised me correctly. Because I hang out with awesome people who don't do that shit. That's why. And I play those same damn video games these killers are playing too. So don't give me that shit either. I play Call of Duty, and not once have I had the urge to grab my fathers gun and go to the elementary school. Not once.

Now for the real kicker. If these people in power keep blaming these murders on video games then I may even go to congress myself and give them a piece of my mind. By me saying that does not mean I am going to take a gun either... BECAUSE I AM NOT INSANE. Did I mention I play video games? The reason it makes me so upset is because it seems like these people are misinformed. I looked up these numbers today and was actually very interested in what I found.  If I were to ask you how many people in the United States Congress, be it Senate of House, were in their 30's, would you be able to tell me? Go ahead take a guess...


That is right. 14 out of 415, or 3% of YOUR congress is in their 30's. Most of those people are about to turn 40 too. This age group were the only ones who even knew what video games were growing up. My brother is their age for Christ sake. I will break down the rest of the age groups now...

40's- 62, or 15%
50's- 136 or 33%
60's- 145 or 35%
70's- 46 or 11%
80's- 12 or 3%

I would honestly say that 15-20% of those people are so old they have no idea where they are let alone worry about anything but watching Murder She Wrote all day. I mean Jesus... Do you really even think most of those people have even PLAYED a video game? No. They just say this shit because someone tells them to and they need something or someone to blame. They need to just fess up to the fact that these people that do these things are just out of their damn minds. Plain and simple.

So what can we do to stop these killings? Well, what can we do to stop people from being out of their gourds? Nothing. Gun control will do absolutely nothing but make people angry, in my opinion. There is nothing you can do about any of this, no matter what anyone says. The fact of the matter is this... Video games do not make people violent, or crazy, or any other damn adjective you can think of. It is a form of entertainment that, yes, some crazy people take part in. They also probably eat vegetables. Does broccoli bring out the dark side in people? I think we should waste tax dollars on that next.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year

Yesterday was that one day, that one fateful day in which idiotic people can dwell on their past years and promise themselves change. That is all well and good, but let's be serious here... how many people do you know, besides myself of course, who actually sticks with their resolution? I can maybe count on one hand. One of them is my father, who outlandishly exclaims that he has successfully completed a full year of his resolution every year around this time. What is this amazing feat you ask? It is the same every year... not to make a resolution. *rolls eyes*

Myself, I really did not make a resolution this year. My girlfriend thinks they a pointless so I kind of took on the same mentality being that I couldn't really pinpoint one I really wanted to do. The past two years I have done the same one successfully, lose weight. I have lost 80 pounds over the past year and a half-ish, and am painfully close to my next goal of 185. I don't know if I am stopping there until I get there because I do not know if I will be "happy" with the results at that time. Of course, I also have to deal with all of these idiotic people who join the gym and pack the damn thing for two miserable months. I HATE those people.You know, those people who are actually "trying" to make an effort at their resolution but in reality are just sitting on a bike going so indescribably slow that they look even more lazy than if they just stayed at home and saved their money. Like this guy...

Or this guy...

Those people. They annoy me even more than the "grunters".But I will figure out if I will continue or not. In due time my friends. In due time...

But then it hit me. After days of thinking about what I was going to give up, why not gain something instead? So I made a promise to myself, after year after year of successful resolutions, I am going to make this one a  real toughie. I am going to make the, what seems to be, impossible happen. I am going to try my damnedest to get a big boy job.

Not only that, I think it is just time to try and grow up period. I don't know what it is lately, but I have felt like an old freaking man. I don't want to go out, I don't want to drink, I don't want to do much of anything but sit around and yuck it up with the people I care about. I mean, is that a crime? I tend to think not. I just kind of think of it as me metaphorically growing up. I never was a real drinker or partier to begin with, but I wouldn't literally complain about so many people asking me to do things like I now do. It is strange.

With that said here is my resolution as it stands as of January 2nd, 2013.

I, Greg Jackson, will try my damnedest to try and grow up. Not in the sense of I act like a child but in the sense of everything else including my career, my friends, my family, and everything in between.

But for those of you who actually made one and are going through with it, I wish you nothing but the best of luck. Happy 2013 everyone!