Thursday, January 24, 2013


I don't understand people. Plain and simple. What compels them to steal things off of other peoples desk at a work place? I mean honestly. I have had multiple things stolen off of my desk, all of which perplex me even more than the last. Here are some of the things that have been stolen off of my desk in the past few months. And don't give me the "how do you know it was stolen and not misplaced" crap. I am obsessive about where I put things on my desk so I know.

1) A dollar bill- Of all of the things on my list, this is the only one I could possibly even justify. Maybe they were broke and wanted a snack. Maybe they just saw an opportunity to grab a loose dollar... even though it really wasn't loose. I mean, we all have chased down a rampant dollar bill being blown down the street before, right? But even though I may understand this one, it still doesn't make me less pissed off that someone took money off of my desk. I mean honestly, is there someone just kind of sneaking around perusing each desk for goodies? Fuck em'.
2)Pens- The writing utensil not the hockey team of course... this one I will NEVER understand. Not only are you given about 15 when you start, but you can walk about 15 feet down the hallway and ask for 15 new ones if you would like. Instead, people will take your own personal, half used, germ infested pens to use for their own personal use. I mean, I don't know about you, but I chew on pens subconsciously for God sake. And now you are writing with it? Be my guest.

3)White out- Now this shit is like gold. I get at least one of these a week vandalized off of my desk. It is outlandish. Who the hell needs all of this white out? Who is making that many mistakes that they have to take multiple white out rollers and use them? What the fuck are you doing with them, thief? My personal opinion and what I would like to think is happening is that they are painting their walls... line, by line, by line, by freaking asshat.

4) Calculator- Yes... someone has actually stolen my cheap ass Canon desktop calculator. Why? I have not one fucking clue. To give to their kid to have fun with? To do simple arithmetic, maybe? Or how about because people are insane. That gets my vote.

5) Tape Dispenser-  I remember this one quite vividly. It was right around Christmas time. I remember reaching for my dispenser to tape my drawer shut... because we have desks made of imitation sheet metal and wont stay together...  and I could not find my tape. After looking literally everywhere I am confused as all hell. Someone stealing my dispenser was so far in the back of my mind because I honestly didn't think that would ever happen in the history of mankind. I mean, on a list of things to steal a tape dispenser may rank between a clump of grass and some sand art from the county fair. But then I thought to myself... Well maybe they will return it. I mean, it was almost Christmas. People need to wrap presents.

6) My Water Bottle- I saved this one for last because not only is it the grossest, but it has happened multiple times. What the fuck do these people think it is? That monkey statue from Raiders of the Lost Arc? It is a damn water bottle that not only I use for about two to three weeks, but isn't even nice. It's literally an Aquafina bottle that I replace after a while because water starts to taste stagnant in it. But yet, even though I hide it behind my computer clearly making it not garbage, it gets stolen... three times. I can't even register why this would even happen. It makes no logical sense.

Insane people apparently love "free" shit no matter what it is. Someone should tell them there are free rocks outside all over the place. They may have a conniption.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned For Sega

Listen my friends... I have thought long and hard about this over many years and I finally think I should say something about it. In wake of all of these random mass killings, I am tired of all of these so called "experts" blaming it on shit they have no idea about. You see, if you have an eighty year old fucking man, or woman (God forbid I am not politically correct), from congress explaining why they think these nut jobs are shooting up movie theaters, malls, and schools, then you are listening to the wrong people. These geriatric pieces of trash who have absolutely no grasp on what society is really like these days are trying to wrap their shriveling little brains around the complexities of the modern day psycho, and they have absolutely no qualifications to do so. You people are not psychiatrists and are waaaaaay too old to become one.

It has always been my theory that these imbeciles see something like this happen and then blame it on something that they have no knowledge on whatsoever.When Columbine happened in in 1999, I was 13 years old... and yet I still knew it was complete and utter bullshit when all of these high powered people were blaming it on video games and the music industry. For God sake, I have been watching horror films, listening to whatever music I want, and have been playing video games of every kind ever since the inception of the NES, and you don't see me going on a rampage. You don't see me jumping on peoples heads because of Mario, do you? I don't kick turtle shells at people. I don't shoot fire at people.

 You don't see me punching people in the belly button...

I mean come on... let's think this through a little bit. Do you really think that playing video games makes people violent? All it really does is makes them dumber and blind. I mean, if I weren't already half blind and wearing glasses, I may be a little pissed off at the fact that my video game playing is making me lose my sight. But, that is your own personal choice. You can't take that shit out on people.

What I do think is this. I think that it comes down to terrible parenting and the people that they surrounded themselves with. Look at the people who commit crimes. Mostly all of them are dicks, have dick/re-re parents, and hang around with jack off friends. Bad eggs create bad eggs... video games don't create bad eggs. If parents or a parent do a shitty job of taking care of their children, teach them nothing, and treat them like dirty laundry then yes, your children may grow up and shoot up a shopping center. If your friends commit crimes... steal, rape, vandalize... then yes you are going to be tempted into doing those sort of things. IT IS COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Sure, I was thrown into some situations in my life where I could have made a bad decision, be it drugs or even committing a crime. But I didn't do it. You know why? My parents fucking rock and raised me correctly. Because I hang out with awesome people who don't do that shit. That's why. And I play those same damn video games these killers are playing too. So don't give me that shit either. I play Call of Duty, and not once have I had the urge to grab my fathers gun and go to the elementary school. Not once.

Now for the real kicker. If these people in power keep blaming these murders on video games then I may even go to congress myself and give them a piece of my mind. By me saying that does not mean I am going to take a gun either... BECAUSE I AM NOT INSANE. Did I mention I play video games? The reason it makes me so upset is because it seems like these people are misinformed. I looked up these numbers today and was actually very interested in what I found.  If I were to ask you how many people in the United States Congress, be it Senate of House, were in their 30's, would you be able to tell me? Go ahead take a guess...


That is right. 14 out of 415, or 3% of YOUR congress is in their 30's. Most of those people are about to turn 40 too. This age group were the only ones who even knew what video games were growing up. My brother is their age for Christ sake. I will break down the rest of the age groups now...

40's- 62, or 15%
50's- 136 or 33%
60's- 145 or 35%
70's- 46 or 11%
80's- 12 or 3%

I would honestly say that 15-20% of those people are so old they have no idea where they are let alone worry about anything but watching Murder She Wrote all day. I mean Jesus... Do you really even think most of those people have even PLAYED a video game? No. They just say this shit because someone tells them to and they need something or someone to blame. They need to just fess up to the fact that these people that do these things are just out of their damn minds. Plain and simple.

So what can we do to stop these killings? Well, what can we do to stop people from being out of their gourds? Nothing. Gun control will do absolutely nothing but make people angry, in my opinion. There is nothing you can do about any of this, no matter what anyone says. The fact of the matter is this... Video games do not make people violent, or crazy, or any other damn adjective you can think of. It is a form of entertainment that, yes, some crazy people take part in. They also probably eat vegetables. Does broccoli bring out the dark side in people? I think we should waste tax dollars on that next.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year

Yesterday was that one day, that one fateful day in which idiotic people can dwell on their past years and promise themselves change. That is all well and good, but let's be serious here... how many people do you know, besides myself of course, who actually sticks with their resolution? I can maybe count on one hand. One of them is my father, who outlandishly exclaims that he has successfully completed a full year of his resolution every year around this time. What is this amazing feat you ask? It is the same every year... not to make a resolution. *rolls eyes*

Myself, I really did not make a resolution this year. My girlfriend thinks they a pointless so I kind of took on the same mentality being that I couldn't really pinpoint one I really wanted to do. The past two years I have done the same one successfully, lose weight. I have lost 80 pounds over the past year and a half-ish, and am painfully close to my next goal of 185. I don't know if I am stopping there until I get there because I do not know if I will be "happy" with the results at that time. Of course, I also have to deal with all of these idiotic people who join the gym and pack the damn thing for two miserable months. I HATE those people.You know, those people who are actually "trying" to make an effort at their resolution but in reality are just sitting on a bike going so indescribably slow that they look even more lazy than if they just stayed at home and saved their money. Like this guy...

Or this guy...

Those people. They annoy me even more than the "grunters".But I will figure out if I will continue or not. In due time my friends. In due time...

But then it hit me. After days of thinking about what I was going to give up, why not gain something instead? So I made a promise to myself, after year after year of successful resolutions, I am going to make this one a  real toughie. I am going to make the, what seems to be, impossible happen. I am going to try my damnedest to get a big boy job.

Not only that, I think it is just time to try and grow up period. I don't know what it is lately, but I have felt like an old freaking man. I don't want to go out, I don't want to drink, I don't want to do much of anything but sit around and yuck it up with the people I care about. I mean, is that a crime? I tend to think not. I just kind of think of it as me metaphorically growing up. I never was a real drinker or partier to begin with, but I wouldn't literally complain about so many people asking me to do things like I now do. It is strange.

With that said here is my resolution as it stands as of January 2nd, 2013.

I, Greg Jackson, will try my damnedest to try and grow up. Not in the sense of I act like a child but in the sense of everything else including my career, my friends, my family, and everything in between.

But for those of you who actually made one and are going through with it, I wish you nothing but the best of luck. Happy 2013 everyone!