Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Key To Health

The way I eat and the reason I stay healthy. Hey, there has to be a reason I never get sick, right? 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I am back...

First off I would like to apologize to my avid readers. I haven't posted in about a month and for this I am deeply sorry. But to be honest I really have not had anything to complain about recently. I mean, there was that shooting a couple weeks ago from that guy that was literally out of his gourd. I got dumped once again by a girl who wanted to be in an "open relationship"... whatever the hell that is... Oh, and I got fired from my second job. Yeah all awesome things in the world of Greg Jackson. But to be honest, as much as those first two things sucked, I just cant get past the third and final bad thing that happened to me this month.

You see, being that I have a masters degree, and yes I am complaining about this again, it only makes sense that I would need to go out and find a second job. You know, this is why us graduates work so fucking hard, so we have to go find a couple degrading jobs just to pay our bills. But like I always say, obladi oblada. So, I go out and get hired at a local sports bar to serve on weekends. You know the typical 6-8 hour serving job that everyone and their mother has had at some point in their lives. I am not gonna lie, I was kind of excited about it. Being that I have been to this place a lot, I know it is ALWAYS packed. So It could have been a cash cow.

I walk in for my first day of work, after literally struggling to find khaki shorts to wear for my uniform, and they start the paperwork. You know, the usual w2's and so on and so forth. And instead of finishing the lady decided to take me on a tour of the building. Now I want to throw it out at this point that this is now the second person to interview me for this position and there were a grand total of 7 waitresses I had met thus far in the process. But I digress. We are on this tour of the premises and this tiny older woman walks up to us. I am there just taking it in, thinking about the money that might be rolling in soon, and this old woman walks up to me as nice as could be and introduces herself. I am cordial because I have no idea who she is. Turns out that she is the half owner of the joint and she has a problem with me apparently. I could tell be the gleam in her old half cateracted eye she did. "We have a problem" the old woman said. "And what is that?" I said... And she says with a completely straight face, " You cant be here, you have a beard." Did I just hear what she said to me? Is she firing me because I have a beard? Yes... that is exactly what she did. I was fired from a job I had earned because I have hair on my face that is no longer than 1/4 of an inch.

I left not angry but sort of amused. Not that I was fired from a job only nine minutes in, but how can a place such as that be so archaic in the way it thinks? Is this not 2012? I asked the lady why in God's name the two people who talked to me before hand didn't tell me I couldn't have a beard. You know what her answer was? "If you had experience you would have known." Well bitchy bitch, I have a year of experience thank you very much. I worked an entire year as a server WITH A BEARD and never got one complaint about it. So suck on that one ya old hag.

These people who own businesses need to get out of this 1940's way of thinking and realize that times have changed. Not only is it 2012, but their way of thinking does not make any fucking sense anymore. In their minds, people are offended by the fact that someone with a beard is serving them food because it is dirty or something. And if it has something to do with health codes, well that's a crock of shit too. You are telling me that these women with long ass hair are allowed to romp around with their hair over food, but me with probably an eighth the amount of hair than any of those women can't? Yeah thats just fucking insulting and doesn't make a damn bit of sense. Never has, never will. Get over your fucking self and get with the times every single work establishment out there who thinks this very way. What exactly is not having facial hair even accomplishing? Literally nothing but pissing me off. That is what it is accomplishing.

So my final message to you miss bitchy sports bar owner. When you tell the rest of your employees to Bic their heads, give me a call back and I will gladly work for you. Because that is basically what you are telling me right now. SO until then, fuck you, get with the times, and have a nice day. Oh and I hope your hair turns into dog shit one day. And you wake up and run your comb through it and all it is is little trendals of dog shit. The worst shit you could imagine. It's cool. Everything comes around, sweetheart.

I didn't need a second job anyway. I am gonna get rich off this blog... HA!